Some members of the Faculty are suggesting the need for a new category of punishment to be applied to the Paine Hall protestors, Dean Glimp said yesterday. He added, however, that no one has made a specific suggestion to him.
Although Glimp would not say so specifically, it appears that despite these suggestions the Administrative Board will be choosing its punishment from among those already available.
"Suspension is a possibility," Glimp said. "I want to keep an open mind on this. We are considering the full range of possibilities." Suspension for disciplinary reasons goes in the rule book under the name of Required to Withdraw. This usually means the student must remain out of the College for two terms, and must petition the Ad Board for re-admission.
Decision Day
Glimp said the Administrative Board will make its decisions on Jan. 13 and 14 on the 115 individuals whose bursar's cards were retained. The Board will then report to the Faculty on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 14.
Virtually all the students involved met with their senior tutors before the Christmas recess, and any student who wants to have another meeting will have the opportunity, Glimp said. He added that, as far as he knows, the Senior Tutors have not been confronted by any group refusal to submit to individual questioning.
In the GSAS, almost all of the students called for questioning declined to go individually, and presented their views jointly in an interview and a letter.
The range of possible punishments available to the Ad Board includes admonishment, a notation on the record card; probation, which carries with it certain restrictions on a student's extracurricular life; and Required to Withdraw, a temporary severance from the College which might, at this time, mean revocation of a student's 2-S deferement. After tre Dow demonstration last year, the Administrative Board issued a combination of admonishment and probation
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