
13 From Mower Are Flooded Out

Flooding from an exploded pipe forced the University to relocate 13 freshmen from Mower Hall's A-Entry.

In a form letter to the 13 freshmen, Dwight D. Miller, the North Yard's Senior Advisor, stated: "Dear ---: I am sorry you have to return from vacation to the inconvenience and mess resulting from the water damage via burst pipes in your room. It will be a week or more before the damage can be repaired, so consequently it will be necessary for you to room temporarily in ---."

David J. Cavanagh and Caleb T. Warren, freshmen from Mower A-32, explained, "a radiator pipe in our bathroom burst. The window wasn't shut all the way. The water came gushing out and seeped into the floors below us."

The flooding was discovered Saturday morning, Dec. 28. No one knows whether the flooding occurred that morning or during the previous night.

"Lot of Damage"


Richard P. McGinnis, Mower A's proctor, lives in one of the only two Mower A rooms which escaped the flooding. Staring at his mahogany clavichord, he said last night, "The worst thing is there's a lot of damage to people's belongings and it's come at a particiularly bad time of the year. People have been putting off their homework."

McGinnis added that the flooding ruined the electrical system. He estimated the total property damage in thousands of dollars.

When the flooded area was visited last night, the stench was overpowering. One student described it as "putrid--it smells like mildew." The floors were warped, the plaster was spattered, but the lung-clogging stench prevented a detailed examination of the damaged suites.
