Exams will end today for all,
Inglorious end to a glorious Fall.
Where does one go for R and R?
Without a car.
Casablanca at the Brattle,
If anything will sooth you, that'll.
But if Levin and Stack Sullivan continue to Harry ya,
Take my advice: go back to Bulgaria.
Tote your skis to Stowe, Vermont.
Between your trips down, scan your Kant.
Or fly to Redlands to see your folks
And drive back richer by a Volks.
For those who display a more serious bent,
We've got the place for you to be sent:
Symposium planned by Kaplan and Gould
To save Fair Harvard, so vilely misruled.
It's a new regime, but the same old news;
Go to the church, you'll still see the Pews.
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New Anti-War Committee Solicits Names for Letter