The occupation of Ford Hall at Brandeis ended Saturday afternoon when 50 black students came out voluntarily under an amnesty granted by university president Morris B. Abram.
The students, however, said that no settlement had been reached with the Brandeis administration. Black spokesman Randal C. Bailey said, "We intend to continue our struggle at Brandeis to gain effective control of the Afro-American Studies Department to be established here."
Bailey then pointed the way to new tactics. "Unless significant changes are made we shall refuse to participate in courses offered dealing with black people because such courses have little validity in a university which systematically and consistently excludes recognition of the legitimacy of black thought," Bailey said.
Bailey also announced the formation of a black studies institute in Roxbury to be known as Malcolm X University. Throughout the sit-in, a banner had proclaimed Ford Hall to be Malcolm X University.
Abram said he was glad the demonstration had ended without violence. "The fact that violence had been avoided and the students have vacated the premises makes possible a voluntary, generous and speedy response by the university to their legitimate and deeply felt needs as black men and women in a predominantly white society," Abram said.
Seizure Very Bad
"The seizure was an intolerable act," Abram said. Nevertheless, he commended the black students for "restraint in caring for the occupied building and its property."
Abram then called for the establishment of "a covenant expressing the sense and determination of the total community to prevent the threat of any such event in the future."
The end of the seizure came shortly after 200 black students from Boston area schools staged a sympathy demonstration in front of Ford Hall. The two black groups then held a joint meeting in Ford Hall.
Shortly after this meeting, the decision to leave the building was made.
The blacks were evidently frustrated by the seeming ineffectiveness of the seizure. "It seemed to many of us that it was time for a new approach," one black student said.
At the same time, white students ended their marathon "non-obstructive" sit-in in the Bernstein Marcus Administration Building opposite Ford Hall. This group had organized an abortive student strike last week.
They admitted than an almost continuous string of bull sessions and meetings had failed to produce any significant white support for the black revolt.
University officials, after inspecting the building Saturday night, said that no damage had been done to the building or its contents. The black students, they said, had cleaned up before leaving.
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