
Two Basketball Assistants Hired

Harvard basketball coach Bob Harrison, preparing for his first season with the Crimson, will have two of his former Kenyon College captains as assistants, Athletic Director Adolph W. Samborski announced last week.

Kenneth Klug will coach freshman basketball and baseball, and Richard Fox will coach JV basketball.

Klug played for Harrison for three years, and as a senior, served as an assistant coach after a football shoulder injury sidelined him for the season.

"We're very fortunate to have Ken," Harrison said. "He's a hard worker with a good knowledge of the game, and he knows me and my system."

Fox, 21, was captain of last year's Kenyon basketball team, and will do graduate work at the Harvard Business School this year. He played on the Kenyon varsity for four seasons, was the team's leading rebounder, and won All-League mention as a senior when he led the Ohio Athletic Conference in rebounding.
