
Marine Stays in Chapel; Faculty Postpones Action

SDS Rejects 2nd Sanctuary

A group of Harvard SDS leaders late Sunday night rejected a proposal to set up a second sanctuary on the Harvard campus for draft resisters in addition to the Divinity School's Andover Chapel.

The group reportedly considered using Claverly Hall as a sanctuary. The original plan to harbor resisters and deserters in academic buildings was drawn up by the Rev. Richard E. Mumma, head of the Presbyterian Ministry at Harvard.

The SDS leaders, meeting in Claverly, decided that to harbor another resister was inadvisable at this time. "The political points of sanctuary have not yet been made clear," Michael Kazin '70, one of the leaders, said last night.

"It would be another Dow," Kazin said. "In the end we would be dealing with punishment and the free speech issue instead of with the real issues of resistance."

Four SDS members, including Kazin, have written a leaflet expressing their support of Paul Olimpieri--the Marine now in the chapel--yet also emphasizing their basic political disagreement with the Divinity School students organizing his sanctuary.


The leaflet, to be distributed today, will "support Paul in his desertion", Kazin said, yet at the same time points out that his resistance should be justified in more universal and political terms than those used by the Divinity School students.

"Olimpieri is obviously justified," said Kazin, "but the Divinity School's appeal to higher conscience is a bit too individually oriented. The war and American foreign policy are unjust, and everyone should be resisting."

Community of Conscience

The Divinity School students said in a press release on Sunday that Andover Chapel is holy because "a community of conscience is gathered here celebrating Paul Olimpieri's courageous act of disobedience. He is obeying an authority higher than any political government or military organization."

Writing the leaflet with Kazin were Laura C. Crawford '69, Paul E. Summit '71, and Mark Lieberman '69.
