
McCarthy Names 5 From Faculty To Advisory Unit

Five Harvard professors have been named to Senator Eugene J. McCarthy's newly formed foreign policy staff. Stanley H. Hoffman, professor of government, heads the twenty-member staff of noted academicians for McCarthy.

Other on the staff from Harvard include Rupert Emerson, George B. Kistiakowsky, John Kenneth Galbraith, Albert O. Hirschman, and James C. Thomson. Also on the advisory staff are Hans Morgenthau of the University of Chicago and Roy Macritis of Brandeis.

The staff of experts is supposed to prepare position papers and propose planks for the Democratic National Convention platform on foreign policy matters.

Actually most of the staff have been advising McCarthy for several months. Others like staff chairman Hoffman will be out of the country until after the convention. Hoffman is in Italy this summer.

A minor fire broke out in Massachusetts McCarthy Headquarters in Boston early Monday. It began in three wastepaper baskets, but was quickly put out. McCarthy officials charge the fire to arsonists. The damage was minimal.
