
We're Sixth In The Peace Corps

Harvard University is now the nation's sixth largest college contributor of Peace Corps Volunteers, according to a Peace Corps official.

Peace Corps' latest statistical rundown shows that 361 Volunteers from Harvard--including 183 now serving overseas--have been selected for Peace Corps assignments.

The have served in sub-Saharan Africa (129), East Asia and the Pacific islands (58, Latin America (88) and in the North Africa Near East and South Asia region (36).

The top schools in the nation are the University of California at Berkeley which ranks first; University of Wisconsin at Madison, second; University of Washington, third; Stanford University, fourth; and the University of Michigan, fifth.

The Peace Corps is still the largest single employer of college graduates except for the military. Over 2.3 per cent of 1968's 666,000 graduating college seniors (15,600) applied for Peace Corps service.
