
12 Juniors Win Aid For Thesis Research

Twelve juniors have won awards from the Institute of Politics in the John F. Kennedy School of Government to finance work on senior Honors theses.

Award winners will receive grants to cover expenses and an additional $600 honorarium in the Fall.

This is the first year in which the Institute has made such awards. According to Ernest R. May, professor of History and chairman of the Institute's Student Program, they are experiments "to see if we can help students to bring some non-academic experience to bear on their theses."


The winners are: Robert L. Adler, Government; Deborah A. Batts, Government; Anthony W. Ganz, Social Relations; Jerald R. Gerst, Social Studies; Stephen H. Kaplan, Government; John E. Larouche, Government; Richard J. Lavine, Economics; John D. Reed, History and Literature; Anne H. Rightor, Government; Michael S. Schooler, Social Relations; Ronald Simon, Government; Stephen V. Whitman, Government.
