
Ebert Names 12 to Panel Recruiting More Negroes

Dr. Robert H. Ebert, dean of the Medical School, has named a 12-man committee to implement the Med School Faculty's recent resolution aimed at increasing the number of Negro medical students in the University.

Ebert has appointed Dr. David D. Potter, associate professor of Neurobiology, as chairman of the new committee.

In announcing the new committee, Ebert called the matter of increasing Negro enrollment at the Med School, "our most urgent matter of business."

Potter said in an interview yesterday that his new committee expects to submit a preliminary report to Ebert before the Med School recesses for the summer.

He said the committee would resume work in the Fall, when "a major effort will be made" to recruit more Negroes for the following Fall's entering classes.


The mandate for Potter's new committee came in the Med School's resolution last April 26, which said, "As and initial contribution toward reserving serious in-equalities in educational opportunity, the Faculty recommends setting up a special recruiting program to increase substantially the number of Negro medical students at this School."

Named to the committee with Potter are Dr. Harold Amos, associate professor of Bacteriology and Immunology, Dr. Perry J. Culver '37, associate dean for Admissions, Dr. Leon Eisenberg, professor of Psychiatry, Dr. Don W. Fawcett '38, Hersey Professor of Anatomy, Dr. Daniel Funkenstein, assistant professor of Psychiatry, Dr. Edwin J. Furshpan, associate professor of Neurobiology.

Also, Dr. Joseph W. Gardella '41, associate dean for Student Affairs, Dr. Paul Goldhaber, dean-designate of the Dental School, Dr. Howard H. Hiatt, '46, Herrman Ludwig Blumgart Professor of Medicine, Dr. Chase N. Peterson '52, dean of admissions in Harvard College, and Dr. David D. Rutstein '30 Ridley Watts Professor of Preventative Medicine.

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