To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
Is it too late to enter your new "Glorify Columbia" contest? Every day for the past few weeks you've printed another exciting entry, and now I'd like to try my pen.
As I understand it, there are three rules. First, never criticize any action by the students, no matter how stupid, extreme, or wrong it may be; Second, never say anything good about the Administration, mention compromises they were willing to make, problems they've had, or the like: Third, realize that Columbia is never to be seen as an educational institution, and that its educational function is never to be hinted at. No, Columbia is the first step, our Boston Tea Party, our Bastille. As the current New Left Notes says, we're not strong enough yet to take over the state, so, On To Morningside Heights!
I am just dying to enter. I've put aside all magazine and newspaper accounts, all statements by faculty and administration. I have FAITH in Mark Rudd and the Crimson, Sir. Just one complaint, though: while holding your contest, you seem to have run out of space in the Crimson, and neglected to print any real accounts of what went on at Columbia. This is not surprising. What is surprising now, in retrospect, is that anyone got excited when President Pusey spoke about Walter Mitty's of the Left. Elliott Abrams '69
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