
Springfield Nine Bows, 4-1 As Tucker Leads Yardmen

Ace pitcher Curt Tucker wielded a big bat yesterday and helped his own cause as the freshman baseball team downed Springfield, 4-1, at Soldiers Field

The red-headed righthander came in in relief of starter Bill Meyers in the fifth inning with the Yardlings ahead 2-1. After retiring the Springfield line-up in order, Tucker came to bat with one out and two on in the Crimson half of the inning. He lined the third pitch into deep right field for a triple, scoring Fran Saba and Chico Garcia.

Meyers had a rough second inning, letting one run score and loading the bases before he pitched his way out of the jam. Catcher Pete Varney caught one batter coming home on an attempted squeeze play and the next batter flied out to retire the side.

Fielding made the difference. The Springfield pitcher held the usually booming Crimson bats silent, and it was only on errors and close fielding plays that the home forces were able to get on base. The Yardling defense, as usual, was airtight.

The freshman journey to Holy Cross today to play another tough team. Game time is 3 p.m.


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