
Freshmen Ahead In Championship

The freshman track team ran up a commanding 44-point lead in the first day of the Greater Boston Championships here yesterday, as weightman Ed Nosal and jumper Walter Johnson shattered two meet records apiece.

The Yardlings lead the meet with 67 points. Northeastern, with 23, is second.

Nosal won three events--the hammer, discus, and shotput--setting meet marks in the hammer with a 171' throw and the discus with a 149'5" fling.

Johnson set records in the broad jump and the triple jump of 22'5" and 44'1 1/4" respectively, both of which would have won yesterday's varsity events.

Ben Lounsbury set a new Harvard freshman record of 53.9 in the 440-intermediate hurdles. The old record of 54.1 was held by varsity hurdler Frank Haggerty.


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