Classes will meet as usual today, President Pusey announced yesterday, but all classes in the University will be called off Tuesday morning until 2 p.m. in honor of the funeral for the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
Classes will be cancelled until the conclusion of a memorial service for King in Memorial Church, which will begin at 1 p.m.
The New England Resistance issued a call yesterday for a three-day student-faculty strike to begin today, and Boston and Harvard groups plan to use class time to examine white racism and what students and universities can do to fight it.
The Memorial service, under sponsorship of the United Ministry, will begin tomorrow at 1 p.m. J. Lawrence Burkholder, Victor S. Thomas Professor of Divinity, Thomas F. Pettigrew, Associate Professor of Social Psychology, Martin Peretz, Instructor in Social Studies, and the Rev. Warren Raynham of St. Cyprians Church in Roxbury will participate in the service.
Rally This Morning
Another Harvard group, an ad hoc committee composed of Resistance, PAR (People Against Racism), and SDS members announced that there will be a rally at 9 a.m. this morning on the steps of Mem Church. Hillary W. Putnam, Professor of Philosophy, Wayne A. O'Neil, Associate Professor of Education & Linguistics, and Howard Zinn, Boston University Professor of Government, will speak on the topic of racism.
Harvard SDS is sponsoring a rally at the Federal Building in Post Office Square at 3 p.m. today to demand the withdrawal of U.S. troops from all cities.
Some classes will resume Tuesday afternoon but Chester W. Hartman, Associate Professor of City Planning, and Samuel S. Bowles, Assistant Professor of Economics, were in the process last night of organizing classes to discuss racism and strategies to counteract it.
In Boston, Mayor Kevin D. White announced a Memorial service for noon today at the Boston Common. Mayor White, Cardinal Cushing, and the Reverend James, Breedon will speak at the service, which is sponsored by the Massachusetts Council of Churches.
A similar service will be held on the Cambridge Common at 1 p.m. today according to Cambridge Mayor Walter J. Sullivan.
The Resistance calls for a strike followed a request by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference urging clergymen and laymen from all over the country to join them in demanding the implementation of King's program.
The SCLC, endorsed by the National Council of Churches, requested that supporters attend Dr. King's funeral in Atlanta on Tuesday and then go to Washington to issue their demands.
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