
Nine Crushes Columbia

Fitting all the pieces together, Harvard's Varsity baseball team notched an impressive 7-2 victory over Columbia Saturday at Soldiers Field.

For the first time in weeks, the Crimson bats were booming--four singles by shortstop Jeff Grate led an eleven-hit barrage.

On the pitching side, starter Bob Lincoln and reliever Bob Dorwart allowed men on base in all but one inning but still managed to contain the Lion attack.

Columbia captain and shortstop Dick Brown sent his squad ahead in the first inning when he belted a home run over Harvard center fielder Carter Lord's head.

With two out in the bottom of the first, Lord slapped a change-up delivery off Lion hurler Paul Brosnan into short center, scoring Bill Cobb to tie the game.


The next inning, Grate made it 2-1 as he singled in Ken O'Connell. Columbia never caught up.

Reynolds, the promising sophomore who is finding a home in right field, walloped a long triple to score Jack Turco and make it 3-1 in the third.

Columbia closed the gap to 3-2 with a fourth-inning sacrifice fly. But Lord killed the Lion hopes by driving a clean single into center-field with two out and the bases loaded. Dick Manchester and Grate crossed home plate.

Dorwart relieved Lincoln in the fifth inning, with two men on and none out, and thwarted Columbia with five strikeouts in three innings.

Harvard now has an 8-6 record; Lincoln is 2-0.
