
Negro Must Not Beg Says Muhammed Ali

"Negroes can no longer be crumb beggars at the white man's table," ex-heavyweight champion Muhammed Ali told an overflow M.I.T. audience yesterday. "The so-called American Negro has reached the point where he should no longer look to his slave master for economic assistance or social identity."

In a speech sponsored by the M.I.T. student body, Ali-who used to be known as Cassius Clay-pointed out that the American black man feels he has no stake in America as it exists today. "Cubans come from Cuba; Chinese from China; and Israelis come from Israel. But what about the 'Negro?'" he asked. "Most Black people just haven't been taught to appreciate themselves."

Near the end of a question and answer period after the speech, Ali began to reminisce about the old days when all his fights took place in the boxing ring.


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