
Sheriff, Star Highlight Opening at Pudding

John Sears, lately a candidate for the City's top office, and now sheriff of Middlesex County, made a ceremonial appearance at last night's Pudding opening to proclaim March 5 "Hasty Pudding Day," allegedly by order of the Governor.

Addressing the audience, he held high a cardboard cylinder, which he identified as a mace--"the only one I've got besides those we use for tranquilizing crowds and a Hasty Pudding crowd shouldn't need tranquilizing." Surely the sheriff was in jest.

More eyes were directed toward Paul Newman who contrary to rumors sat through the whole show. At its start he was made an honorary member of the Pudding which prompted him to recall that his wife--Joanne Wodward--had been Woman of the Year for 1959.

Well-placed observers maintained that the star of The Silver Chalice and Rally Round the Flag, Boys spent most of the evening chewing gum.
