The Harvard wrestling team bade farewell to Coach Bob Pickett on Saturday with a disappointing 18-14 loss to Yale. The visiting Bulldogs took the lead from the start when John Moss, wrestling for the ailing Crimson captain, Andy Kopecki, lost a 7-0 decision.
Riding time proved crucial in the next few matches. Sophomore Jeff Seder missed an opportunity to tie the meet in the 144 lb. class when he lost 4-3 on riding time, and Dick Low had his thrilling last second reversal cancelled by points for riding time, again for a 4-3 defeat, in the 167 lb. class.
Bright spots for Harvard included fine performances by two sophomores, Paul Cantinella and Jim Abbott. Abbott won a close battle in the 191 lb. class, and Cantinella, wrestling very well, outclassed his 137 lb. opponent 7-0.
Senior Paul Padlak bowed out in style. Down 3-0 with only a minute left, he fashioned a quick reversal and a predicament for a handy victory. Heavyweight Bob Panoff registered the only fall in the meet, when he pinned his man at 1:22 in the third period. By then, however, the meet had long since been lost.
Seniors who wrestled for the last time included Padlak, Seymour, and Morris. The fact that the squad was largely sophomore and junior dominated generates hope for next year, when they will be reinforced by some promising freshmen.
The varsity record now stands at 2 wins and 10 losses. Only the Eastern Intercollegiates at Pitsburg, March 8-9, remain on the schedule.
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