MADISON, Wisc., March 27--"POLITICS MAKES STRANGE BEDFELLOWS," reads a sign requesting housing for student volunteers in the McCarthy For President headquarters in Madison.
The Wisconsin Democratic organization must have taken the sign literally, for it has allowed Senator McCarthy's student volunteers to share office space and equipment with President Johnson's party regulars.
McCarthy's Madison headquarters is in a rented store front on Mifflin St.--one side of a pie-shaped block facing the Wisconsin State Capitol grounds. Around the block on Hamilton St. is the State Democratic Headquarters. In its window, beneath a framed color photograph of President John F. Kennedy, are rows of bumper stickers reading "LBJ for the U.S.A." This is Johnson territory.
"Demilitarized Zone"
Between the party headquarters and the smaller McCarthy store front is a third room stocked with paper and printing supplies and equipment. Paid party regulars wearing Johnson buttons share the room with McCarthy's high school and college volunteers, who call it the "demilitarized zone."
The State Democrats have agreed to help McCarthy's workers as a show of party unity. "We are all Democrats," says Keith Clifford, vice-chairman of the Youth Campaign for LBJ. "McCarthy people can use the room and equipment, but Johnson people get first priority--since the party's paying the rent."
The tensions arising from this arrangement are evident to even casual passers-by. The "demilitarized zone" fronts on Mifflin St. next to McCarthy headquarters. One side window sports a sign reading "HELP JOHNSON WIN A JUST PEACE," while the window on the McCarthy side replies with "McCARTHY HAS THE COURAGE TO CHALLENGE LYNDON B. JOHNSON--DO YOU?"
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