
Petition Requests Deans to Ponder Students' Views

One hundred eighty-three undergraduates have signed a petition to the deans protesting University procedure in making decisions concerning student affairs.

Under present policy, the petition charged, the viewpoint of students "doesn't count for very much." The deans make decisions "unilaterally" and students are "powerless and voiceless in the formulation of policies that affect their lives," the petition warned.

The petition asked the deans to "work in cooperation with, or at least consult" such organizations as the Harvard Undergraduate Council before making decisions on mixers, parietals, meal plans, off-campus living, and other issues "vitally affecting...undergraduate life."

David J. Freeman '70 of Dunster House, one of the project's organizers, said that the relatively small number of signatures was due to "logistical problems and lack of organization."
