
Let's Mix Again

WE'VE been wrong, we admit it. We've been self-indulgent boors, with our heads in the clouds, uncaring, unthinking. And we've received our just desserts. With mixers banned completely now, we can sit and ruminate about our folly.

But maybe, just maybe, the Administration will relent and give us one more chance. One more mixer--a chance to relive times that may never be again. A chance for Harvard, students to be on their best behavior and rewin the privilege that they have lost with their unconscionable past mischief.

For, as Dean Watson said, in announcing the Administration's necessary if unfortunate response, girls have greatly outnumbered boys at Harvard mixers and many have spent an entire night without anyone asking them to dance. "They go back and complain to deans and parents, who, in turn, complain to us," Watson said.

Come on, guys, get with it. Stop thinking of yourselves for a change. Sure, you paid the dollar while they got in for free, but you're Harvard men, you have a social responsibility, a sort of noblesse oblige. Ask not what your mixer can do for you but what you can do for your mixer. And while you're asking, ask a girl to dance, for God's sake. Come on, guys, spread it around.
