
Students Claim 'Time' Poll Challenges Anti-War Cause

The Student Mobilization Committee has begun a national campaign to register anti-war sentiment in the upcoming Time magazine poll on the war and the presidency.

The Committee--a nationwide anti-war group--has interpreted Time's sponsorship of the April 24 poll on presidential preference and the war as "a direct challenge to the anti-war movement." Linda Morse, chairman, said yesterday.

Time announced that it would sponsor a poll or "primary" of students from 1300 campuses across the country in the December 15 issue. At that time, the Publisher's Letter asserted that "the primary will have a substantial turnout because all students, not just the publicized militant activists, will have a chance to record their views."

In this statement, Miss Morse said, Time-Life is "trying to prove that the anti-war movement does not speak for students."

The poll's two questions on Vietnam deal with the course of the war and the bombing of North Vietnam. Choices range from "immediate withwdrawal" to "all out military effort" and from "permanent cessation of the bombing" to "use of nuclear weapons."


The Mobilization has organized a national campaign for a vote for "immediate withdrawal" and "permanent cessation of the bombing." The campaign will be part of the ten days of anti-war activity planned by the Committee for April 21-30 and highlighted by the April 26 International student Strike.

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