

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I find it difficult to understand why Jared Israel and the other Progressive Labor Party members in SDS support American withdrawal from Vietnam. It would seem to me that the logic of their position would lead them to call for American military victory at any price.

The PLP has already called on the Vietcong to stop accepting aid from the Russian "revisionists." It must be clear to them that the NLF and North Vietnam have been "co-opted" by the revisionists. Russian aid flows to Vietnam in an ever-increasing river, and Russian advisers and technicians control key posts in Vietnamese industry and military administration.

In such a situation the duty of the steadfast follower of the Maoist Line is to break with all forms of reaction and revisionism. The "inevitable victory of People's War" is impossible unless there is an unobscured confrontation between the foreign oppressors and a People's Liberation Army inspired by Chairman Mao's thought and free from revisionist influence.

Only when there are no revisionists deceiving the masses can the proletarians unite to destroy their oppressors. What could be more effective and more Leninist than to use the bourgeois armies to destroy the revisionists? The Progressive Labor Party should therefore adopt the slogans: "Victory Now! Bomb Hanoi! Long Live People's War When It Is Fought According To The Maoist Line Without Help From Anyone Else!" Benjamin Ross '71


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