The Loeb Drama Center has announced its Spring-term main-stage productions.
Sponsored by the Harvard Dramatic Club, the season begins Feb. 29-March 9 with Ibsen's "The Masterbuilder," directed by Kenneth G. McBain '69. Shakespeare's "Coriolanus" follows from March 21 through March 30. Thomas J. Babe '63, teaching fellow in English and director of last December's award-winning "Prince Erie," is the director.
During April 11-20, director Leland E. Moss '69 will present "The Empire Builders" by Boris Vian. The fourth and last play is George Bernard Shaw's "Caesar and Cleopatra." It will run May 2-11 under the direction of Robert H. Chapman, associate professor of English and director of the Loeb.
Casting for "Coriolanus" and "Caesar and Cleopatra" will occur Feb. 5-7 and Feb. 11-13 respectively.
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