
Seven Marshals Chosen at 'Cliffe

Rachel Radlo Lieberman of East House has been elected Commencement Marshal of the Radcliffe Class of 1968.

The other Marshals chosen in the February election are Diane B. Balter of South House, Linda J. Greenhouse of North House, Peggy Kemeny of North House, Anatasia Kucharski of South House, Cornelia H. J. Van der Ziel of North House, and Susannah H. Wood of North House.

Mrs. Lieberman serves on the Student-Faculty Advisory Council as Representative-at-Large. Miss Balter is Senior Class President, and Miss Greenhouse was 1967-68 Features Editor of the CRIMSON.

Miss Kemeny is a member of the Senior Class Committee; Miss Kucharski was 1967 RGA President. Miss Van der Zeil was active in Phillips Brooks House, and Miss Wood sang with the University Choir.
