
Unbeaten Princeton Faces Harvard Swimmers Here

The Harvard swimming team has a big task on its hands this afternoon at the IAB when it strokes head-on into powerful, unbeaten Princeton.

Still recovering from last Saturday's crushing loss to Dartmouth, Harvard will have much the same problem it's had all year--lack of depth. In addition, the Crimson front-liners will get stiff competition from some talented Tigers.

Diver Billy Murphy lost his first contest of the season against the Hanover Indians, falling all the way to third place. Today, the red-head will meet a personal rival and close friend. Holt Maness. Murphy upset Maness a couple of times last winter and their clash should be a thrill for diving buffs.

Tiger Power

Princeton has strength throughout the Mneup. Captain Dave Van Voorhis in the 50 and 100 yd. freestyle in an easy conquest of Navy last week. Dave Myerburg, one of the top young freestylers in the country one or two years ago, will battle Pete Adams in the 200 free; this should be another highlight.


Ross Wales is one of the country's best butterflyers, and, generally, he doubles in the medley. Harvard's Al Birch will have another toughie when he back-strokes against Jan Kubic.

Climax Next Week

Princeton is 10-0 on the season, and the Tigers are probably looking past Harvard to the climactic Yale meet next Saturday. But even overconfident, Princeton will probably be too much for Harvard's thin forces.

But there should be some great individual matches with Maness against Murphy, and Harvard's Bill Shrout against either or both Van Voorhis and Myerburg.
