
Medical School Promotes Fire

Dr. robert H. Ebert, dean of the Medical School announced today Harvard's first appointment in radiation therapy and the promotion of five members of the Faculty of medicine.

Dr. Samuel Hellman of the Yale University School of Medicine has been appointed associate professor of Radiology. Hellman will also become the Director of the Harvard Conjoint Radiation Therapy Center and will be responsible for its development.

The Center will provide radiation treatment for cancer and other allied diseases and will conduct research activities.

Dr. Richard H. Aster has been appointed an assistant professor of Medicine, and Dr. Henry V. Grunchaum has been named assistant clinical professor of Psychiatry.

Other promotions are Howard T. Blane, asst. clinical professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital: Dr. Anthony P. Monaco, assistant professor of Surgery: and Dr, Robert D. Reinecke , assistant professor of Opthalmology at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary.


In other faculty changes, George R. Cook will come to Harvard as visiting Professor of Canadian Studies next year. His visit represents a further step in developing a program of Canadian Studies here.

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