
Yard Swimmers Defeat Exeter for Fifth Win

Harvard's freshman swimming team coasted past Exeter 58-37 yesterday in a warm-up for its big meet against the Princeton freshmen Saturday.

The Yardlings captured first place in every event except the 100 and 400 yard freestyle, while recording their fifth victory of the season. The freshman have lost only to powerful Williston Academy.

Johnny Monk provided the outstanding performance for the talent-ladden Yardling squad. His time of 54.7 in the 100 yard butterfly equalled the freshman record set by Bill Shrout '68 in 1965.

Harvard Coach Benn Merritt experimented with his line-up against Exeter, exploiting the weak opposition. Consequently, many of the Harvard swimmers swam in exents which are not their specialty.

The Yardlings will take on the slick Princeton freshman team Saturday at the IAB in what should prove to be one of the season's tightest battles.


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