The New Regime is pleased to announce a new deadline for notices in the CRIMSON. Starting tomorrow all notices must be submitted to the CRIMSON by 9 a.m. the day before they are to run.
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Notices NoticesEach Friday the CRIMSON will now publish all Notices pertaining to events occuring during the next week. These must be
Notices for Saturday's CrimsonAll notices to appear in the, CRIMSON Saturday must be handed in before 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
Notices for Tomorrow's CrimsonAll notices to appear in the CRIMSON tomorrow must be handed in before 5 o'clock this afternoon.
Notices for Tomorrow's CrimsonAll notices to appear in the CRIMSON tomorrow must be handed in before 5 o'clock this afternoon.
Notices for Tomorrow's CrimsonAll notices to appear in the CRIMSON tomorrow must be handed in before 7 o'clock this evening.
Notices for the CrimsonThe CRIMSON wishes to announce that hereafter all notices for the Monday issue must be in the notice box in