
Anti-War Demonstration to Protest Probe of UMass Faculty Radicals

The New England Resistance will hold demonstrations against the Selective Service at The Boston Army Base and the State House on Monday morning, Stephen M. Pailet, a spokesman for the group, disclosed yesterday.

The demonstration has been organized to protest the reclassification of two draft protestors since their participation in the Oct. 16 Arlington Street Church rally and the initiation of investigation of alleged anti-draft sympathizers among the faculty at the University of Massa-chusetts in Boston, Pailet said.

A subcommittee of the Education Committee of the Massachusetts legislature, headed by Rep. Joseph M. Kearney (D-14th Suffolk Dist.), passed a resolution to investigate the activities of instructors at UMass who allegedly "overtly encouraged" students to resist the draft.

"They are trying to ascertain some sort of subversive activity," Pailet explained, "but if some man tells another what it is possible to think, can you call this subversive'?"

E. John Pennington III '68, on leave from Harvard since November, and Michael G. Mickelson, a 1967 graduate of Dartmouth, said they plan to refuse induction on Monday morning when they will report to the Boston Army Base as ordered by their draft boards.


Pennington said that he expects to end up in jail if "the case is decided in the near future, but the Army is so inconsistent anyway that it's hard to tell if they'll even carry through with trying to induct me on Monday."
