
Soc Rel 148 Sectionmen Propose New Spring Course in Radicalism

Section men in Social Relations 148, a radical-oriented course which discusses American social problems, are proposing a new course for the Spring term to continue radical dialogue.

David S. Finkelhor '69, one of the organizers of the proposed course, said yesterday that a tentative plan has been submitted to the Department of Social Relations for approval. The department has asked for clarification on issues of grading, qualification of teaching fellows, and radical bias, as it did in the case of Soc Rel 148, he said.

Jack R. Stauder, instructor in Social Anthropology and a section man for Soc Rel 148, is sponsor of the proposed course.

A meeting of students interested in taking the course will be held at 8 p.m. tonight in William James 1 to discuss specific subjects that might be covered and to suggest a framework for the course. A report from the meeting will probably be sent to the department before it discusses approval of new courses Dec. 10, Finkelhor said.

"It's difficult to say what the reaction of the department will be, but if obstacles are put in the way of the course it will be primarily a political act by the University," he said.


Several section men have volunteered to teach specific aspects of imperialism or racism, two of the topics covered in Soc Rel 148, in the proposed course, Finkelhor said. Other sections might discuss strategic questions of how to achieve fundamental social change or read "classical literature such as Marx, Lenin, and Mao," he added.
