
J.V. Icemen Score Early, Dump Colby by 11-5 Count

Harvard's J.V. hockey team waltzed over the Colby College Freshmen, 11-5, in its opening game at Watson Rink yesterday on the strength of a five goal first period.

Leading the Harvard offense were varsity prospects Jim Baldassari, Dick Delaney, and Andre Lemieux with two goals apiece. Tony Kotnick, Joel Baumgartner, Pete Haley, Bill Byrd, and Ed Gallagher added one each.

In the nets, Paul Oldfield complemented a tough defense, allowing only one goal while making twelve saves.

Even the six point margin was deceptive, since four of the Colby goals were scored against second string goalie Mike LoPresti in the last minutes of play. Except for brief periods at the very start and finish, the Harvard defense maintained complete control.

The Crimson offense totally dominated the first period, scoring five times in six minutes, prompting one Harvard spectator to call it "a six minute debauch." The team kept the pressure up, scoring three goals in both the second and third periods.


Bob Edgarton gave Colby a one-goal lead in the first minute, slipping through to get the only goal Oldfield allowed. Less than a minute later, Harvard evened things up when Tony Kotnick scored on a pass from Pete Haley.

One minute later, Harvard was ahead, as Baldassari scored with assists from Lemieux and Joe Tibbetts. The team continued to dominate all but the last minutes of the game, stopping Colby cold despite several penalties and continued Colby efforts to catch up.

The final Colby drive was blunted, with the Crimson offense adding three more goals in the last period.

The J.V. skaters looked strong. But Colby is no power, and this Friday's game against the B.C. freshmen should be a better indication of what kind of season the jayvees should have.
