

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

The completely ridiculous activities of the SDS, which you seem to tacitly approve of, have finally come to a head in the attempt to ban the ROTC.

What sort of a hair-brained scheme is that? Does the SDS disapprove of all armies? If not, what possible objection can it have to training on campus?

By constantly focusing on the wrong problem, at the wrong time, and for the wrong reasons, the SDS is simply doing almost irreparable damage to the very ideals it professes to believe in.

Let me add, too, that in the opinion of many others very ideals it professes to believe in.


Let me add, too, that in the opinion of many others besides myself, yours is the worst educated, the least aware, and in many ways the most inept set of young people that has ever come to Harvard. And instead of doing all you can to correct what is, after all, an eminently correctable situation, you seem to be all out to acerbate it, by refusing to admit your ignorance, and by being completely unwilling to learn from others! Jerome Minot
