
Taxi Cab Injures Teacher, Student

Gregory J. Nagy, instructor in the Classics, and Gloria E. Gibbs, a Radcliffe graduate student in one of Nagy's classes, suffered multiple injuries late Monday night when they were struck by a taxi cab on Mt. Auburn St.

Both are listed in fair and comfortable condition at Cambridge Hospital, Nagy was put on the critical list at 1 a.m. Tuesday when his pulse stopped but he quickly improved and was again listed in fair condition. He is suffering from facial injuries, concussion, and a broken leg and nose, Miss Gibbs broken leg and nose, Miss Gibbs broke her leg, hip, and arm.

Eye Witnesses

Witnesses to the accident stated that Nagy and Miss Gibbs were walking on the sidewalk when a Yellow Cab Co, taxi hit them, throwing Nagy to the ground and carrying Miss Gibbs on the hood until it finally stopped almost one block away next to the Lampoon building, Miss Gibbs shattered the cab's windshield.
