
Hockey Team Faces B.U. In Toughest Game to Date

Harvard's undefeated hockey team will face its first real challenge of the year tonight when it meets Boston University at the Boston Arena at 8 p.m. The Crimson has rolled over its first three opponents with great depth and power, but tonight, the flu and B.U.'s veteran defense could stop the streak.

Harvard, coming off an easy, 11-2, victory over Dartmouth, has displayed impressive depth as evidenced by the consistent scoring punch on all lines. Senior captain Bobby Bauer could be below par tonight as well as junior Jack Turco, and sophomores Dan DeMichele and Joe Cavanagh due to the flu. Otherwise, Harvard will be ready for the contest.

Sophomore Bruce Durno will start at goalie. Durno, who captained last years freshman team, played well against Dartmouth Saturday night, coming up with 18 saves.

Juniors Chris Gurry and George McManama will team up to give the Crimson the same type of tight defense as in the Dartmouth game. McManama, who played forward against Northeastern, moved to defense against Dartmouth and will remain there tonight.

On offense, the Crimson will be looking to its sophomore combination of Steve Owen-Cavanagh-DeMichele for the over-whelming power that it has provided in the last three games. This line, which was involved in every score against North-eastern, accounted for four goals Saturday night against Dartmouth.


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B.U., featuring all-American center Herb Wakabayaski, is improved over last year's 20-9-3 team which split a pair of games with Harvard. Skating beside Wakabayaski, on an all senior line which was the highest scoring in the country two years ago is Serge Boiley on one wing with Mickey Gray and Eddie Wright alternating on the other. Besides his all-senior line, B.U. Coach Jack Kelley has an all junior and an all sophomore line skating in front of an experienced defense and veteran goalie Jim McCann. After beating New Brunswick twice, B.U. was upset by Brown and trounced by a powerful team from the University of New Hampshire.

Harvard Coach Cooney Weiland feels that if his team plays the way they have in the first three games, they will give B.U. a good battle.

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