
Frosh Hoopsters Lose; Icemen Face B.U.


Harvard's freshman fencers open their season tonight against M.I.T. at 7 p.m. in the IAB.

This will be the first meet for most of the fencers. The team has had very little experience, Coach Edo Marion said yesterday, and is still at a beginning stage.

"The freshman season is always a disaster," Marion said when asked about the team's prospects. "Fencing is such a complicated sport that you cannot teach everything in one year. Tomorrow they will be fencing with one tenth of what they need to know."

Marion plans to use Burke Dial, Phil Rapaport, and Ted Bartel in the foil. Emil Godfrey, Pat Pugliese, and Robert Chew will fence in the sabre, and Jack Bird, Gilbert Castle, Eliot Hurwitz, and George Thomas will compete in the epee.


Today's meet should be a toss-up, according to Marion. M.I.T. is like Harvard, he said, in that both have to teach their players from scratch.

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