
Ford Will Speak At Open Forum

At least four of the leading protagonists in the Faculty debate over ROTC will speak to an open forum of students at Lowell Lecture Hall this Friday. The purpose of the meeting, which follows a day after the special ROTC Faculty meeting Thursday, is to discuss the decisions that the Faculty reaches and the possible ramifications.

Stephen H. Kaplan '69, president of the HUC, said that Dean Ford, James Q. Wilson, professor of Government, Rogers G. Albritton, professor of Philosophy, and Hilary W. Putnam, professor of Philosophy, have agreed to speak. Stanley H. Hoffmann, professor of Government, and Samuel H. Beer, professor of Government, will also be invited, but had not been contacted by last night.

In addition, the HUC last night agreed to arrange a joint HUC-SFAC-HPC meeting Thursday night after the Faculty meets to consider a possible response to the Faculty if their recommendation is rejected.

Already, the HPC has sent copies of its report on ROTC asking for abolition of academic credit to all Faculty members under a cover letter from representatives of all three organizations.

Dean Glimp suggested the open forum for Friday at a meeting with HUC members yesterday afternoon. The format for the meeting, which will be held at Lowell Lecture Hall at 2:30 p.m., has not been determined, but each Faculty speaker will probably explain what happened in the Faculty meeting and then answer questions from the floor.


The joint HUC-SFAC-HPC meeting, tentatively scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Thursday, on the tenth floor of Holyoke Center, would involve close to 60 members from each of the organizations.

A First

If the HUC-SFAC-HPC meeting occurs, it will be the first time that the three major Harvard undergraduate committees will have combined for discussion. The Thursday night meeting, however, will not have any power to speak as a body.

"This is going to be an informal meeting," Kaplan said last night. "It can be considered formal only in the sense that each group will call a meeting."

At the close of its regular meeting last night, the HUC also decided to send a letter to Dean Ford asking that students be included in any Faculty committee that might be set up to consider ROTC.

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