
War Protesters March in Boston

The Massachusetts Mobilization to end the war in Vietnam is sponsoring a post-election rally today in Boston. A march will be held from Cambridge Common to Boston Common beginning at 10:30 a.m.

The rally which starts at 1 p.m. will include as speakers, Ralph Schoenman of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, Fred Halstead, presidential candidate of the Socialist Workers' Party, and Noam Chomsky of M.I.T. There will also be an open microphone for G.I.'s who participate in the march.

The mobilization is intended as the first step in a campaign directed at the new Administration and Congress, urging immediate withdrawal of all troops from Vietnam.

John Brazman '69, organizer for the Harvard community, said that this demonstration would be followed by the organization of anti-war groups in high schools and throughout the Boston community. These organizations would lead to more demonstrations. "Mass demonstration is the principle means to sustain and focus the anti-war movement in an anti-imperialist direction," he said.

The November 9th Mobilization Committee represents 20 different anti-war organizations. The rally has also been endorsed by the Boston University Student Congress and New England Resistance.
