
Protests Elsewhere

Students demonstrated across the country last night in protest against the presidential elections.

* California: In Los Angeles, about 500 students marched from City Hall to Pershing Square, where they heard speakers condemn the war and the elections.

In San Francisco, more than 1000 1000 demonstrators burned a U.S. flag at Civic Center Plaza and applauded a pig as their presidential candidate.

* District of Columbia: In the nation's capital, police arrested about 100 paraders across from the White House.

* Illinois: About 250 to 350 Chicago protestors marched through the Loop and rallied at the Conrad Hilton Hotel.


* New Jersey: Newark was the scene of a battle between demonstrators and counterprotestors.

* New York: In New York City, groups of demonstrators rallied at Union Square and surged into the midtown area, including Rockefeller Center. More than 70 persons were arrested.

* Maine: About 175 students demonstrated at Waterville, where vice-presidential candidate Senator Edmund Muskie cast his ballot.

* Ohio: Students at Ohio State University in Columbus burned campaign posters, nominated a pig for president, and paraded through the streets with an empty coffin, representing the death of American politics.
