The universe is an infinitely minute complex of causes and effect, and each effect acts as one of the causes for a thousand other "effects." Isolating a particular cause for any single "effect" is the great Western error. It is like ripping a thread out of a tapestry and calling that the "key" thread in the fabric. And this is what we do whenever we try to "make a decision based on the data." One must give up trying to isolate cause and effect, and see that the process of the universe is an infinitely complex one, that every particle -- including one's consciousness -- is part of every other mote. If you see this, if you can intuit the flow of the universe -- for it is in you as you are in it -- and make yourself one with the flow, then you will stand apart from the illusion of "cause and effect." You will have what you desire because you will desire nothing. You will have attained enlightenment.
To help you attain enlightenment is the point of this supplement. To help you, and to warn you of the obstacles facing serious seekers after truth. For not only does our false linear cause and effect way of thinking promote illusion, but people are actively trying to keep you from becoming one with the universe. They try to use you for their own ends, to control you. They use machines to run your life (pg.2). They use newspapers to promote false ways of thinking (pg.3 and the front page of today's Crimson). They have ads to make you do what they want (pg.6). But do not despair. Contemplate the life of Fred Shibley (pg.7); meditate on the infinitely complex web of a man's life. Think of your own life. Where did it really begin? "What was your face like before you were born?"
Do as these instructions tell you.
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