

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I agree with Andrew Jamison's remarks on etiquette in Saturday's Crimson: hissing is bad manners; though if Herr Wessel is a member of the German SDS, he cannot be much concerned with manners or the "liberalistic" rules of fair debate.

Possibly some of the people who hissed Herr Wessel know something about the accomplishments of the German SDS in recent months. For instance, of the two people killed in the Easter riots, at least one and presumably both were killed by stones. Der Spiegel, until that point very favorable to the radical students, wrote: "Both these deaths must be charged to the SDS." (I am aware that last spring's Easter riots were precipitated by the brutal attack on Rudi Dutschke, but the death of two innocent people hardly aided Dutschke's cause.) Of course German policemen have been brutal, but even the most hot-eyed disciples of Herr Herbert Marcuse can hardly believe that they throw stones. One further "accomplishment" out of many. From May 27-31 SDS-led "students" occupied the Germanic Seminar of the Free University of Berlin. I saw and smelled, all too vividly, the results of this liberation. (There had not been the slightest provocation on the part of the professors in the department: quite the contrary.) The liberators renamed the building "Rosa Luxemburg Institut"--an insult to the memory of a noble and cultivated woman. The behavior of the German SDS resembles far more that of Herr Wessel's famous namesake Horst than of Rosa Luxemburg. Henry C. Hatfield '33   Professor of German
