
Kroll Supporters Remain in Chapel

Over 1000 people--many students, many not--filled Boston University's Marsh Chapel to overflowing last night in a show of sympathy for Army Pfc. Raymond Kroll, who has been given sanctuary in the chapel since Tuesday.

Many B.U. faculty members have spoken in support of Kroll during his sanctuary, including Howard Zinn and Murray Levin. Wednesday night, Dr. Wendel Yeo, B.U.'s vice-president for student affairs, mounted the pulpit and spoke in support of Kroll. "If anybody tells you that in a big, impersonal, depersonalized institution people can't come alive they're wrong, so terribly wrong," Yeo said.

Free Legal Aid

Several members of the B.U. Law School Faculty have signed a statement in support of the sanctuary, and have offered to provide free legal aid to those who may be arrested when the police finally try to take Kroll.

Harvard students who would like to spend tonight at the chapel are asked to contact Barry Finer (864-0638, Winthrop F33) during the day, or to meet outside the chapel, on Commonwealth Avenue, at 10 p.m. The number of supporters has increased each night, and for the past three nights, over 400 people have stayed overnight in the chapel.
