

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

There is nothing surprising about your report (October 25, 1968) of criticism of Social Sciences 5 by some of the Negro students in that course. The racially bigoted and disgustingly anti-intellectual assumptions underlying their criticism were utterly predictable.

From the outset of Social Sciences 5 some of the Negro members were, and remain, convinced that no white scholar could or should teach a course on what they like to call "black history." Blissfully unaware that their bigoted and paranoid outlook makes shambles of scholarship and learning, the black critics of Social Sciences 5 seek to reduce the course (and any other such course, for that matter) to a platform for black nationalist propaganda.

Surely no scholar worth his salt would give a minute's notice to assisting these critics of Social Sciences 5 in their quest. And as a member of the teaching staff of the course in question I can assure Ernest Wilson and his Ad Hoc Committee of Black Students that the staff is indeed worth its salt. Martin Kllson   Assistant Professor of Government
