
Lowell Sets Aim On Frisbee Title

The 1968 Olympic Games have determined world champions in a good number of sports, but the world frisbee title remains up in the air--at least until a team from Lowell House battles Princeton on November 9.

Wilson college of Princeton challenged Lowell last week to the "world championship" frisbee match.

The Lowell House Committee will discuss the invitation next Tuesday; but committee chairman Summer Slavin '69 said he is "almost positive" that the challenge will be accepted.

Lowell was chosen for the honor, Wilson Frisbee Team chairman Owen P. Curtis explained, "because we figured the nature of the guys there is such that they wouldn't let something like this pass."

The idea for the frisbee challenge came up at a meeting of the Wilson College Athletic Committee last month, he said. Other suggestions at the meeting included inviting Radcliffe girls to a touch football game, an idea which "is still being developed," Curtis said.


Sociable Drinking

Wilson's challenge included an invitation to a round of "sociable drinking" after the frisbee match, with the opposing groups to "wager all the beverage consumed by Victor and Vanquished alike upon the outcome."

"I am confident that Lowell will win in frisbee," said Slavin, "but Princeton has to be given an edge in drinking."
