
Soccer and Cross-Country Face Dartmouth

Unbeaten Booters Engage Miserly Defensive Squad

Putting its unbeaten streak on the line in Hanover today, the Crimson soccer team takes on a Dartmouth squad that is always tough at home.

Dartmouth brings a 1-1 mark in Ivy League play into this game. Surprising Princeton 3-1 in their Ivy opener, the Indians ran out of steam last week at Brown after jumping to an early 2-0 lead, losing finally by 6-3.

Crimson Coach Bruce Munro featured a 4-2-4 offense against Cornell last week for the first time in his 21-years coaching career. En route to an overpowering 3-1 decision, the Crimson played a looser, faster, more coordinated offensive game than they had previously played all season.

Instead of the usual 5-3-2 formation which deploys 8 men on the attack, Munro's 4-2-4 gave high-scoring speedsters Peter Bogovich, Solomon Gomez, and Captain Scott Robertson more room to operate in, by sending only 6 men into the attacking zone. The passing and midfield play of "link" men Jaime Vargas and Richie Hardy proved to be the key to Harvard's domination of the game.

Dartmouth plays a defense-minded strategy that should put the Crimson's new offense to the test. Generally, the Indians use three deep backs and a "sweeper" in their backfield.


Munro hopes that the team will not suffer a let-down after last week's hustling, fired-up victory. "If we play the way we did against Cornell," remarked Munro looking ahead, "We should have as good a chance as anyone of winning the Ivy League title."

Several Injuries

Numerous injuries have cropped up this week during rugged practice sessions. Fullback Hilary Worthen and halfback John Gordon pulled leg muscles, while Robertson nursed a twisted knee sustained against Cornell. Outside Gerry Montero, who has been plagued by an aggravated groin muscle all season, compounded his troubles with an ankle sprain this week and is a doubtful starter today.

"If the injuries to Worthen and Gordon impair their effectiveness," Commented Munro, "We could be in some real trouble on defense." A hurting defense means more pressure on goalie Rich Locksley, who has performed sharply in both of the Crimson's Ivy League contests.
