
Debaters Reach Finals

Harvard debate teams reached the finals in two local debate tournaments this month, taking first at M.I.T. over Columbus Day weekend and coming in second at Brandeis last week.

The Crimson's top team of Joel Perwin '70 and Richard Lewis '72 won a 4-1 decision over Houston in the finals at M.I.T. The Houston team had edged out Harvard's second team of Robert Daniels '69 and Patrick Gutridge '72 in a semi-final round.

Perwin won "best speaker" award out of the 80 debaters at the M.I.T. tournament. Lewis came in 4th and Daniels took 10th.

At the Brandeis tournament, the two Harvard teams split up. Perwin and Daniels lost in the finals to Oberlin College. The round before, the two Harvard teams had been paired in a semi-final round, and Gutridge and Lewis had for-feited to let the other team go to the finals.

Perwin again was named best speaker, and Lewis was 6th.
