A teach-in on the Vietnam war, featuring professors from several Boston colleges and at least one of the five draft resistance organizers indicted by the Justice Department last Friday, will be held Thursday, probably in Lowell Lecture Hall.
Michael K. Ferber, a second-year graduate student in English, who was indicted by a Boston grand jury on charges of conspiring to counsel draft resistance, "would be leading off" the teach-in, according to Norman Daniel, a graduate student in philosophy and one of the co-ordinators of the teach-in.
"The teach-in will cover the war, the draft, resistance to the draft, and the recent indictments," Samuel S. Bowles, associate professor of Economics and one of the scheduled speakers said Sunday.
While no firm agenda has been set for the meeting, Daniels said that the list of speakers will include, in addition to Ferber and Bowles, Noam Chomsky, professor of linguistics at M.I.T.; Howard Zinn, professor of government at Boston University, and Neil Robinson, a leader of the Boston Draft Resistance Group.
Harvard professors slated to speak include Hilary W. Putnam, professor of Philosophy; Gar Alperovitz, of the Institute of Politics; Michael L. Walzer, associate professor of Government; and Christopher S. Jencks '58, lecturer on Education.
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