To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
So we are now the "Walter Mittys of the left," we who oppose napalm recruitment, who use terms like "genocide" too loosely (or is it too strictly?), who would deny "free speech" to men who authorize the unashamed bombing of civilians. Surely, it is his best new cliche since that memorable press conference after the Dow demonstration, when he invoked the sanctity of our "decent democratic society." One wonders who is the real Walter Mitty.
We who are seniors should be especially affronted by this gratuitous condemnation. President Pusey has chosen to ignore our exquisite agony about the draft in spite of a CRIMSON poll which would clearly legitimize some stronger position against this senseless war. Indeed, Harvard under his administration seems committed to that most despicable of courses, which Bruno Bettelheim scornfully calls "culture as usual."
For us, it is not culture as usual, and it is now imperative that the Administration understand that its intemperate and irresponsible policy has gone too far. If our elementary concepts of human decency merit us the bizarre label of idealists, then we must make the most of it. We must respond in the only way President Pusey seems to understand--in the pocketbook.
Our class committee will soon solicit contributions to enable Harvard to continue with its great work. I propose the opposite, and will soon begin a pledge campaign to withhold donations from Harvard until the Administration offers some adequate statement about this military juggernaut which will soon force us by scores into the jails or out of the country. One way or another, we will be unable to contribute financially to Harvard; it is time now to declare that understanding to President Pusey. Thanks to his silence about the relevant issues and his eagerness to condemn the weak and beaten, he has made an Ireland of Harvard, and unwilling Joyces of us all. Jesse Kornbluth '68
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