
Radcliffe Will Vote Today To Elect Officers of RUS

Radcliffe girls will vote today and tomorrow to elect the first officers of the Radcliffe Union of Students.

The Radcliffe College Council suggested at its January 8 meeting that the defunct Radcliffe Government Association arrange the election of the officers of RUS to allow those officers to draft a new RUS constitution.

The Council voted at the meeting not to accept the constitution in its present form because of "internal inconsistencies."

Aida Chang '68, vice-president of RGA and coordinator for the elections, said yesterday, "Mrs. Bunting will arrange a joint meeting in February with some of the Trustees to discuss the future of RUS."

Kay Tolbert '69, one of the two candidates for president of RUS, said yesterday that the constitution of RUS had been "unclearly presented" and that a compromise at a meeting with the Trustees might result in a new constitution which would have to be re-ratified by the students.


Her opponent Deborah A. Batts '69, said, "There should not be a need for a new constitution." She said, "The present one can be acceptable if it is just clarified for the Administration."

Both Miss Tolbert and Miss Batts said that they would like to see at least one student sitting, though not necessarily voting, on the College Council to see that student views are presented.
