
Ed School Appoints 3 Lecturers; Med School Names Professors

The School of Education has appointed as lecturers three experts in the areas of human resource development and education in developing countries. The three men will also be research associates in the Center for Studies in Education and Development. They are: Noel D. Burleson, H. Merrill Jackson, and Manuel Zymelman.

Feb. 1, 1968, is director of a social change project at the University of Michigan's Center for Research on Conflict Resolution.

Burleson has been a member for the past year of the Harvard Center's project on Latin American health and population problems as they relate to formal education programs.

Zymelman has done research for the Agency for International Development on manpower planning and will contine his work in manpower productivity studies.

Dr. Charles S. Davidson, associate professor of Medicine and associate director of the Thorndike Memorial Laboratories at the Boston City Hospital, will attend a conference at the Weizman Institute in Israel on August 23. The subject of the conference is health problems in developing states. Dr. Davidson will discuss liver diseases.


The Medical School has announced the promotions of two physicians to assistant professorships. The men are Dr. Lincoln T. Potter, who has been named asst. professor of Pharmacology, and Dr. Daniel Deykin, named asst. professor of Medicine.
